Friday, January 17, 2014

Zentangle Woman with Antlers

Tangle Woman with Antlers

The Tangle Therapy Continues

Since I last posted, my father has passed, I've been to England and back, and I have settled back into a normal routine.  My normal routine normally prevents me from doing any artwork, so now I have to carve out time.  Normally that time is the first to go, but I won't let the happen this time.  I say that now! 

This next drawing just appeared in my minds eye, and she was so beautiful I needed to share her. I tried to scan this image as I have done the others, but her skin tone doesn't come through. My scanner has a hard time picking up graphite, so a bit blurry is better than not seeing the skin tone. 

I struggled to get her face right, so I went to google immages and looked at several profiles of women who came close enough to what my mind's eye saw.  Her face is inspired by two profies, as I combined their features a bit and added my own touches.  The antlers were inspired from an immage of a buck/stag so I could get the right perspective.

Also, I would like to thank every fabulous person who has contributed zentangle patterns to the world.  I have not come up with any unique ones of my own to date, but look forward to the day I can contribute as well!

Tangle Woman with Antlers by Maria Celano